WanderWeek 2023 is now complete…



There are more electric cars on the roads every day, so we’ll try building models of electric cars that run with remote control. Then we’ll test drive them and see how well they work. Finally, we’ll see if we want to try converting an actual full size car to electric power.

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to Apr 22


We’ll build the centerboard and rudder for a Nutshell Pram sailing dinghy named Maynard, so we can launch him onto the bounding main and go for a sail!

After lunch, we’ll put Maynard on the Wanderbus, launch him from a beach and wander away! When we return, we’ll find a place to park the Dream Wagon and camp for the night.

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Would you ride your bike more often or for longer distances if it was electric? We’ll convert a bike or two to electric power, plus pedal power, and you can see how easy it is. We’ll put on a new front wheel with a motor, a battery on board with a controller, and a throttle on the handlebars. Then off you go!

After lunch, we’ll find even more adventures with the Wanderbus and the Dream Wagon!

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Oxen did much of the heavy work on the Island in centuries past — plowed fields, moved stones for wall, carried buildings across the land — and they all started out as baby cows, usually male calves. We’ll bottle feed milk to some bull calves and teach them to follow some simple commands. Then we’ll celebrate later by watching their moms provide milk for the dairy so we can make ice cream.

After lunch, we’ll find more adventures with the Wanderbus and the Dream Wagon!

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Start the day with the sheep, love the new lambs, then discover how the wool gets from the sheep to the felted fabric. Make your own felt composition, then sew it on to your own bag you make to carry your stuff for the week — lunch, water, art supplies, a yo-yo, whatever…

After lunch, we’ll find adventures with the Wanderbus and the Dream Wagon! The Riders decide where we go and what we do!

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A week of wandering…

Each day, in a new location, participants will be invited to take on a project as a group, but nothing is required and plenty of options for individual creative activities will be supported by the Dream Wagon.